Robot simulation with CoppeliaSim

Tempus fugit. About 8 years ago, during my master studies, I have developed a robotic arm simulation scene for the purpose of an academic conference. Back then, the software V-REP was gaining popularity for rapid-prototyping algorithms for robots. Out of those amazing features that were available, I was particularly impressed with its data compression efficiency (the file size of each simulation files was relatively tiny even for complex scenes), extreme flexibility and modularity in terms of programming that was accessible to me as a researcher.

As I was asking official permission to use V-REP for the conference, the CEO, Dr. Marc Freese, allowed me to use it and also asked me if he can showcase it in the V-REP webpage.

Now V-REP has been rebranded as CoppeliaSim. See if you can find here which simulation I was talking about!

Last update on Jul 29, 2020